SOMEDAY by Sunup
SOMEDAY by Sunup, featuring Atlys cellist, Genevieve Tabby
Streaming links for Someday:
Apple Music:
SUNUP 2024. Brian Soule. James ‘“Goon” Wilson. Garry Manuel Charlie Castiliano
"Someday, it will be over. Someday, though we don't know when." True, these are solemn lyrics - purposely provocative - that drill down inside. We're inviting YOU to go there with us. Often the initial pain leads to a triumphant healing. We sincerely hope you will FEEL this song resonating deep within your heart. It's a fact of life we know well, but often avoid, because it causes consternation and there is no schooling in life (except life itself) on how we are to respond or react.
SUNUP will soon be releasing tunes that are upbeat, celebratory and joyful, that we performed in the 1970's. But, we are also offering up new music that is reflective and that looks more seriously toward the future. How can we not? ! After all, this upcoming album (The Key Is Love) celebrates 50 years of Sunup! To add to that joyfulness and more particularly - 50 years of friendships.
What were our dreams then, and what are our dreams now? Did we ever completely lose those dreams? We find the most satisfying joy and meaningful friendships in conversations that go deep, and that doesn't necessarily mean they're all dark or negative. It's also VERY much about the love, interaction, helping each other through tough times and the incredible experiences that we have SHARED.
The music is here to lay down the carpet for a celebration, but also to teach us about what is important in our lives and NOT to miss it.
We hope you'll be there with us streaming the song and reflecting on it's meaning as well.
Garry Manuel - composer, lead vocal, guitar, string arrangement, producer
James “Goon” Wilson - vocals
Brian Soule - keyboards
Charlie Castilano - bass
John McNeill - percussion
Genevieve Tabby (special featured guest) - cello
Marshall Manuel - recording engineer, edits, mastering
SOMEDAY by SUNUP - Music/Video
Some Irony Here!
by Garry Manuel
When I began writing this song all the ingredients came together quite fast. This isn’t always the case, as most songwriters will tell you. In this instance there were many people in our circles going through severe health challenges. I That intensity in life continued for a while. So, as I sewed the song together I opted to write the chorus/bridge as if I were singing that portion of the song to my wife. I also imagined it could be entirely possible for someone else to express that same sentiment to someone they deeply cared about as well. Over the past couple years I had spoken to people who regretted not saying or doing certain things while their loved one or dear friend was alive.
Once I had finished writing the song and after we had begun to record a number of the tracks, I realized that the form of the song was nearly the same as Yesterday (The Beatles). So, here’s the title - Someday and we’re comparing it to Yesterday! It turns out the format of the song is nearly identical. There is an A & B section - that’s it! They are both short tunes. I assure you, it was NOT intentional, but it’s ironic that unfolded in that manner.
Offering up a few thoughts to contemplate…
They’ve been buried in a box, silenced by the busyness of life, trampled by the stress of politics, fear of war, sparring religions, as well as the ills caused by poverty, abusive power and nearly forgotten with the daily routines we have prescribed for ourselves. I’m referring to the treasures of life. They were sparkling, beautiful, and sometimes needed to be buffed due to scrapes or neglect. The shine was always there, but often hidden.
Suddenly one day, there is a stirring in the heart. It could be because someone close passes away. Perhaps you were sorting through your office desk and found an old photo buried beneath a stack of papers. Or maybe you bumped into an old friend that you haven’t seen in years or decades. The conversation begins rustling memories of great times or meaningful friendships you once had, but somehow you allowed them to slip through the cracks of time.
Remember? Those conversations were deep. Your truths were laid bare and your life was naked and sometimes ashamed. Other times, the sharing was deep, strong, unapologetic, loving, full of passion, which often penetrates into the deepest chambers of our soul. Those times made an indelible impact for life, even though we may have taken them for granted or at the very least, allowed them to be drowned out by the urgency of now and/or the mundane daily formalities that render a false sense of comfort.
But…now the treasures are being rediscovered. They’re coming out of the box. We realize the value of the meaningful and beautiful gifts we once shared. Our senses have become reawakened and we begin clamoring for those treasures, like searching for a pair of eyeglasses in the night. Your heart cries out, “Let me see and feel these treasures once again. I loved them!” The feeling we had back then was pure and strong, but more importantly, filled with a love that was so honest and unmanufactured that we may have missed the underlying message. We were open - so vulnerable at times. These treasures were present in our lives to steer us back to the meaning we may have lost for a moment. We didn’t even think about it. It all came as what some would describe as a “stream of consciousness.” Really, this journey is finding a path to God, whether you know it or not.
At this stage of life I’ve been reminded more frequently about these treasures. Just recently there has been a march of friends reentering my life. As they saunter in I’m able to see how very connected they all are. Being a songwriter, I may have a slightly more keen awareness due to the fact that I’m often searching for a story or some meaning that I can write a song about. But honestly, the connections are very real. And now, I’m sensing that these reconnections can lift up these hidden treasures. We have been watching friends, family and our personal heroes pass away. Too often we’re finding loved ones in situations so dark that we could never have imagined them experiencing. This is causing us to uncover these wonderful hidden treasures. These treasures are gifts from God and are acting as a key to the mystical magic that we have begun to recall from a distant time. We desire to reclaim these deep seeded feelings. The treasures are within our grasp. Our hunger for that honesty, love, tenderness, laughter and even the indescribable closeness that we painfully acquired through sharing our troubled times together, is fast becoming a growing need to fill. No, the emptiness cannot be allowed to remain when we have these treasures within in each of us. Be aware of these treasures. Shine them. Hold them in the light. Reclaim them today!
©Garry Manuel (11/28/2022)